Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: a contemporary and versatile clinical tool

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2016 Focused Update: Clinical recommendation for cardiopulmonary exercise testing data assessment in specific populations

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Cardiopulmonary exercise testing improves diagnostic specificity in patients with echocardiograhphy-suspected pulmonary hypertension

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A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing cardiopulmonary exercise test values obtained from the arm cycle and the leg cycle respectively in health adults

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Desempenho e indicadores cardiorrespiratórios em crianças no teste progressivo máximo

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Measurement of exercise tolerance before surgery (METS) study: a protocol for an international multicentre prospective cohort study of cardiopulmonary exercise testing prior to major non-cardiac surgery

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Discriminating circulatory problems from deconditioning echocardiographic and cardiopulmonary exercise test analysis

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Relationships between heart rate target determined in different exercise testing in COPD patients to prescribed with individualized exercise training

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Cardiopulmonary performance during maximal exercise in soccer players with alterations in renal function

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Advances in the evaluation of respiratory pathophysiology during exercise in chronic lung diseases

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The efficacy of a discontinuous graded exercise test in measuring peak oxygen uptake in children aged 8 to 10 years

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The utility of exercise testing in patient with lung cancer

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Variables measured during cardiopulmonary exercise testing as predictors of mortality in chronic systolic heart failure

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Exertional dyspnoea in obesity

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Exertional dyspnoea in interstitial lung diseases: the clinical utility of cardiopulmonary exercise testing

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Exertional dypnoea in cardiorespiratory disorders: the clinical use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing

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Exertional dyspnoea in chronic heart failure: the role of the lung and respiratory mechanical factors

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Pulmonary arterial pressure response during exercise in COPD:  a correlation with C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP)

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Early-phase recovery of cardiorespiratory measurements after maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with chronic pulmonary disease

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