Diagnosis and clinical genetic of Cushing syndrome in pediatrics

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Cases of psychiatric morbidity in pediatric patients after remission of Cushing syndrome

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Establishing normal ranges of basal and ACTH-stimulated serum free cortisol in children

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Niveles de cortisol en la saliva y sericos en recien nacidos.

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Cetoacidose diabética em uma unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica

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Late pregnancy B blocker exposure and risks of neonatal hypoglycemia and bradycardia

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Change in BMI after radioactive iodine ablation for Graves disease

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Thyroid function and thyroid autoimmunity in relation to weight status and cardiovascular risck factors in children and adolescents: a population-based study

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Timing of thyroid ultrasonography in the etiological investigation of congenital hypothyroidism

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Evolution to permanent or transient conditions in children with positive neonatal TSH screening tests in Sergipe, Brazil

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Predictive factors of development of Grave´s ophthalmopathy for patients with juvenile Grave´s disease

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Detecção de hipotireoidismo congênito pela triagem neonatal: a relevância dos valores de corte de hormônio estimulante da tireoide.

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Hipotiroidismo congenito transitorio por defectos bialólicos del genDUOX2. Dos casos clínicos.

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Perfiles cognitivos en pacientes con hipotiroidismo congênito detectado y tratado en forma temprana

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Pediatric thyroid surgery and management of thyroid nodules – an institutional experience over a 10-year period

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Papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in children and adolescent Hashimoto´s thyroiditis: ultrasonographic and pathologic findings

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Evaluation of subclinical hypothyroidism in children and adolescents: a single-center study

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Poorly controlled congenital hypothyroidism due to an underlying Allgrove syndrome

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Outcomes of extremely preterm infants born to insulin-dependent diabetic mothers

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408 cases of genital ambiguity followed by single multidisciplinary team during 23 years: etiologic diagnosis and sex of rearing

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Deferring surgical treatment of ambiguous genitália into adolescence in girls with 21-hydroxylasse deficiency: a feasibility study

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Appraisal of testicular volumes: volumes matching ultrasound values referenced stages of genital development

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Growth and descent of the testes in infants with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism receiving subcutaneous gonadotropin infusion

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Anti-müllerian hormone as a marker of steroid and gonadotropin action in the testis of children and adolescents with disorders of the gonadal axis

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Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to novel FGFR mutations

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Persistent müllerian duct syndrome with transverse testicular ectopia: a novel anti-müllerian hormone receptor mutation

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Antropometria e fatores de risco cardiometabólico agrupados em jovens: revisão sistemática

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Associação entre índice de massa de gordura e índice de massa livre de gordura e risco cardiovascular em adolescentes

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Associação de insegurança alimentar e nutricional com fatores de risco cardiometabólicos na infância e adolescência: uma revisão sistemática

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Associação entre padrão alimentar e risco cardiometabólico em crianças e adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática.

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Assessment of cardiac function in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a case control study in Cameroon

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Subclinical hypothyroidism in Danish lean and obese children and adolescents

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Lower plasma ghrelin levels are found in women with diabetes-complicated pregnancies

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Leptin as a predictor of metabolic syndrome in prepubertal children

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Body mass index in girls with idiopathatic central precocious puberty during and after treatment with GnRH analogues

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Neonatal hypoglycaemia: learning from claims

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Diagnosis and treatment of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia and its implications for paediatric endocrinology

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Understanding burden of illness for child growth hormone deficiency

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Prenatal and childhood growth, chemerin concentrations, and metabolic health in adult life

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Baseline body composition in prepubertal short stature children with severe and moderate growth hormone deficiency

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Case report: recurrent abdominal symptoms in a child with panhypopituitarism- there is always a differential

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Pituitary morphology and function in 43 children with central diabetes insipidus

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Safety outcomes and near-adult height gain of growth hormone-treated children with SHOX deficiency: data from na observational study and a clinical trial

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Predictor variables of developing anterior pituitary deficiencies in a group of paediatric patients with central diabetes insipids and Langerhans cell histiocytosis

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Guidelines for growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I treatment in children and adolescents: growth hormone deficiency, idiopathic short stature, and primary insulin-like growth factor-I deficiency

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Time course of central precocious puberty development caused by na MKRN2 gene mutation: a prismatic case

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Etiological and clinical characteristics of central diabetes insipidus in children: a single Center experience

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Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification accurately detects Turner syndrome in girls with short stature

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Validation of prediction models for near adult heignt in children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency treated with growth hormone: A Belgian Registry Study

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Efficacy of growth hormone replacement on anthropometric outcomes, obesity, and lipids in children iwth optic nerve hypoplasia and growth hormone deficiency

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An audit of the management of childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency during young adulthood in Scotland

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A 6-month Trial of the efficacy and safety of triptorelin pamoate (11.25 mg) every3 months in children with precocious puberty: a retrospective comparison with triptorelin acetate

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Hospital admission patterns in children with CAH: admission rates and adrenal crises decline with age

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Positive fertility outcomes in a female with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia following bilateral adrenalectomy

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Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Southern Brazil: a population based study with 108,409 infants

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Management issues of congenital adrenal hyperplasia during the transition from pediatric to adult care

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Non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia in childhood

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Differential effects of hydrocortisone, prednisone, and dexamethasone on hormonaral and pharmacokinetic profiles: a pilot study in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

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Estudos realizados no Brasil sobre a deficiência e a suplementação de zinco: ênfase em crianças

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Hypercalcemia due to milk-alkali syndrome and fracture-induced immobilization in na adolescent boy with hypoparathyroidism

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Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A- subclinical hypothyroidism and rapid weight gain as early clinical signs: a clinical review of 10 cases

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Neuropsychiatric phenotype in a child with pseudohypooparaathyroidism

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Doença óssea induzia pelos glicocorticóides: mecanismos e importância na prática pediátrica

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Evaluating weight status and sex as moderators of the association of serum leptin with boné mineral density and adolescents

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Determinants of advanced bone age in childhood obesity

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Pediatric obesity-related asthma: the role of metabolic dysregulation

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Functional significance and predictive value of microRNAs in pediatric obesity: tiny molecules with huge impact?

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Maternal and fetal lipid and adipokine profiles and their association with obesity

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Dyslipidemia and reference values for fasting plasma lipid concentrations in Danish/North-European white and adolescents

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Clinical and molecular aspects of familial hypercholesterolemia in Ibero-American countries

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A 3-year study of atorvastatin in children and adolescents with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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BMI is a poor predictor of adiposity in young overweight and obese children

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Timing of menarche in Norwegian girls: association with body mass índex, waist circumference and skinfold thickness

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Myoinositol and D-chiro inositol in improving insulin resistance in obese male children: preliminary data

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Association of dietary variety and diversity with body mass índex in US preschool children

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The association of maternal obesity and diabetes with autism and other developmental disabilities

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Ambiente obesogênico – oportunidades de intervenção

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Adipokines and insulin resistance in young adult survivors of childhood cancer

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Increasing incidence of premature therlarche in the central region of Denmark- challenges in differentianting girls less than 7 years of age with premature thelarche from girls with precocious puberty in real-life practice

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