Oncological surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: effectiveness of preoperative screening and factors associated with postoperative SARS-Cov-1 infection

André Lopes, Caroline B. P. Pastore, Paula Deckers et al

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Elective cancer surgery in COVID-19-free surgical pathways during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international, multicentere, comparative cohort study

James C. Glasbey, Dmitri Nepogodiev, Joana F.F. Simoes et al

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Practical recommendations for the preoperative screening and protective protocols in cancer surgeries during COVID-19: a systematic review

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Surgical treatment of acute cholecystitits in patients with confirmed COVID-19: ten case reports and review of literature

Katya Bozada-Gutiérrez, Mario Trejo-Avila, Fátima Chávez-Hernández et al

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Cirurgia ortopédica e COVID: quais os riscos e perspectivas?

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The impact of COVID-19 disease on Urology practice

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Os cirurgiões e a pandemia do COVID-19

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Harnessing the microbiome to optimize surgical outcomes in the COVID-19 era

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