■ Gravidez após bariátrica: risco e benefícios
■ Criteria for bariatric surgery should consider more than just patient´s weight
■ Cirurgia bariátrica cresce 47% em cinco anos no Brasil
■ Why bariatric surgery wait times have nearly doubled in 10 years
■ As diferentes técnicas de cirurgia bariátrica para controle da obesidade
■ Study shows metabolic surgery associated with lower risk of deaths and heart complications
■ SBCBM lança o primeiro guideline sobre a colelitíase associada à cirurgia bariátrica
■ Weight loss prior to bariatric surgery carries risks
■ Weight-loss surgery associated with 40% in risk of death and heart complications in patients with diabetes and obesity, study shows
■ New risk/benefit calculator can predict possible outcome for metabolic and bariatric surgery patients
■ Weight loss surgery rates are rising among U.S. adults with kidney failure
Study finds that laparoscopic procedures are safe in these patients
■ Weight loss surgery rates are rising among U.S. adults with kidney failure
Study finds that laparoscopic procedures are safe in these patients
■ Criteria for bariatric surgery should consider more than just patient´s weight
■ Bariatric surgery can be safe and effective for adolescents
■ Cirurgia bariátrica não pode ser entendida como uma questão estética, diz especialista
■ Cirurgia bariátrica é o procedimento cirúrgico planejado mais realizado por mulheres de 24 a 43 anos
■ Cirurgia bariátrica, uma abordagem muito além do peso
■ Cirurgia bariátrica: mudanças do físico ao emocional
■ O outro lado da cirurgia bariátrica
■ Bariatric surgery up in patients with end-stage kidney disease
■ Weight-loss surgery may reduce heart risks in people with type 2
Supported byhttps://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/02/health/bariatric-surgery-heart-attack.html
■ Brasileiro desvendam possível fonte de problemas após cirurgia bariátrica
■ Homem recusa cirurgia bariátrica e perde 89 kg em dois anos
■ Researchers question implanting IVC filters on prophylactic basis before bariatric surgery
■ Exercício físico mantém benefício da cirurgia bariátrica para a saúde
■ Artigos Especiais Online: Cirurgia Bariátrica
■ Bariatric surgery patients at higher risk of death from substance use problems
■ Bariatric surgery before AF ablation reduces arrhythmia recurrence risk
■ Bariatric surgery changes the way our body senses food
■ Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular
Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular
Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601
Tel: 33245518 (Consulta Particular/Unimed)
– Centro Médico Unimed BH/Contagem/Pedro I
Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil
CRMMG: 7026
Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com