Câncer gástrico: revisão (Gastric cancer: review)

G C do Carmo, R M Cavalcante, T M F de Aquino

Rev. Assoc. Med Bras 2024, vol 70 (suppl 1)



Avaliação do risco de carcinoma gástrico em pacientes com Helicobacter pylori

L G Costa, J S Moreira, M M D Coutinho, J L da Silva

Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 2024, vol 6: 3264-3280



Gastric adenocarcinoma and periodontal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

F J N Aguiar, F S Menezes, M A Fagundes et al

Clinics (São Paulo) 2024, vol 79: 100321



Gastric intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer prevention: watchful: waiting

S Khazaaleh, M Alomari, M U Rashind et al

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 224, vol 91 (1): 33-3



Endoscopic grading and sampling of gastric percancerous lesions: a comprehensive literature review

Georgios Tziatzios, Dimitrios Ι. Ziogas, Paraskevas Gkolfakis, et al

Curr Oncol. 2024 Jul; 31(7): 3923–3938



Gastric cancer in the era of epigenetcs

Grigorios Christodoulidis, Konstantinos-Eleftherios Koumarelas, Marina-Nektaria Kouliou, Eleni Thodou, Maria Samara

Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar; 25(6): 3381.



Non-coding RNA as biomarkers and their role in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer – a narrative review

Estera Bakinowska, Kajetan Kiełbowski, Patryk Skórka, et al

Int J Mol Sci. 2024 May; 25(10): 5144



Autoimmune conditions and gastric cancer risk in a population-based study in the United Kingdom

John D. Murphy, Shahinaz M. Gadalla, Lesley A. Anderson, et al

Br J Cancer. 2024 Jul 27; 131(1): 138–148



Liquid biopsy for gastric cancer: techniques, applications, and future directions

Cristina Díaz del Arco, M Jesús Fernández Aceñero, Luis Ortega Medina

World J Gastroenterol. 2024 Mar 28; 30(12): 1680–1705



Revisiting the use of the EIORTC QLQ-STO22 to assess health-related quality of life of patients with gastric cancer: incorporating updated quality of life of patients with gastric cancer: incorporating updated treatment options and cross-cultural perspectives

  1. C. Sodergren, A. Hurley-Wallace, V. Vassiliou, B. Alkhaffaf, et al

On behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group

Gastric Cancer. 2024; 27(4): 722–734



Prognostic nutritional index in predicting survival of patients with gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: a systematic review

S Fiflis, G Christodoulidis, M Papakonstantinou et al

World J Gastrointest Oncol 2024, vol 16 (2): 514-526



Immunotherapy of gastric cancer: presente status and future perspectives

John K Triantafillidis, Manousos M Konstadoulakis, Apostolos E Papalois

World J Gastroenterol. 2024 Feb 28; 30(8): 779–793



Minimall invasive surgery for gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: current evidence and future perspectives

R Bîrlã, P Hoara, F Achin et at

World J Gastrointest Oncol 2023, vol 15 (10): 1675-1690



The dynamic changing incidence of gastric cancer in Israel: time for a National Surgical Management Committee?

V Bard, B Brenner, H Kashtan

IMAJ 2022, vol 24: 112-116



Gastrectomy for distal gastric cancer: transitioning form an open to a minimally invasive surgical practice: a single surgeon experience

D Solomon, I Greemland, N Menasherov, V Bard

IMAJ 2022, vol 24: 110—116



Câncer Gástrico: Artigos de Revisão I (Gastric Cancer: Reviews)

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