Intensive outpatient treatment of depression in a spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 patient

Eric Black

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2019; 2019: 918679


The use of quetiapine in treatment of acute psychotic symptoms in an adolescent patient with primary brain calcification: a case report

Barbara Plemeniti Tololeski, Maruša Debeljak, Mirjana Perkovič Benedik et al

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Delayed-onset seizure in a mild quetiapine overdose: report of a case and review of the literature

Jason A. Chen, Katherine M. Unverferth, Erick H. Cheung

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Citalopram improves obsessive-compulsive crossword puzzling in frontotemporal dementia

Sebastian Meyer, Karsten Mueller, Christin Gruenewald, et al

Case Rep Neurol. 2019 Jan-Apr; 11(1): 94–105


Attempted suicide in a parkinsonian patient treated with DBS of the VIM and high dose carbidopa-levodopa

Ayotunde Ayobello, Brian Saway, Michael Greenage

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Neuropsychiatric manifestation of partial agenesis of the corpus calloson: a case report and literature review

Olusegun Popoola, Olaniyi Olayinka, Heela Azizi, et al

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Perampanel-induced, new-onset food aversion in a 29-year-old female with medically refractory frontal lobe epilepsy

Marketa Marvanova

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Propranolol for mirtazapine-induced akathisia: single case report

Katherine Koller

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Lithium: contributor to movement disorder sensitivity after anoxic brain injury?

Jennifer L Pikard, Dijana Oliver, Justin Saraceno, Dianne Groll

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The use of clozapine and clonazepam co-administration in the treatment of a severe tardive dyskinesia: a case report

Kibrom Haile, Halima Umer

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Exarcebations of psychosis triggered by a synthetic cannabinoid in a 70-year-old woman with Parkinson disease

Sean J. Udow, Maria Eliza Freitas, Susan H. Fox, Anthony E. Lang

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Cognitive and psychiatric changes as first clinical presentation in Sneddon syndrome

Giorgio Fabiani, Raul Martins, Filho, Gelson Luis Koppe et al

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Acute agitation as an initial manifestation of neuro-Behçet´s disease

Yuki Otsuka, Tetsuya Yumoto, Hiromi Ihoriya, et al

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A case report of guardian-consent forced paliperidone palmitate for behavioral disturbance due to traumatic brain injury

Amber R. Douglass, Uyen Smyth

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Combination of venlafaxine and phentermine/topiramate induced psychosis: a case report

Jaclyn Homola, Robin Hieber

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A case of traumatic brain injury presenting with musical hallucinations

Yasutaka Kobayashi

Case Rep Neurol. 2018 Jan-Apr; 10(1): 7–11


Those who hear music: three cases on musical hallucinations

Yasira Doluweera, Chathurie Suraweera

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2018; 2018: 9361382


Quejas de memoria en demencia frontotemporal variante conductual: a propósito de un caso

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Aripiprazole for the treatment of inappropriate sexual behavior: case report of an Alzheimer´s disease patient known as heterosexual with recently shifted sexual orientation to same gender

Sevda Sarikaya, Basar Sarikaya

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Management of psychosis in a patient with probable dopa-responsive dystonia

Maggie Wang, Joseph I. Sison

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2018; 2018: 8040491


Huntington´s disease in a patient misdiagnosed as conversion disorder

João Machado Nogueira, Ana Margarida Franco, Susana Mendes et al

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2018; 2018: 3915657


Worsening choreoathetosis in Huntigton´s disease with fluoxetine, lisdenxamfetamine, and melatonin: a case report

Clayton J. Hamilton, Tysen K. Timmer, Robert C. Munjal, et a

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The pathophysiology and management o coprophagia: a report of two cases and literature review

Heela Azizi, Tasmia Khan, Cecilia Canale et al

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Leucoencefalopatia induzida por metotrexato: relato de case leukoencephalopathy associated with methotrexat: a case report

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Early-onset psychosis in an adolescent with DiGeorge syndrome: a case report

Keneilwe Molebatsi, Anthony A. Olashore

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Episodic behavioural regression in a 8-year-old female: sequelae of 22q11.2 duplication syndrome

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Prosopagnosia as a type of conversion disorder

Clodagh Power, Oisin Hannigan, Robert Coen et al

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2018; 2018: 5972954


¨Capgras¨ delusions involving belongings, not people, and evolving visual hallucinations associated with occipital lobe seizures

Brandon Lilly, Erika Maynard, Kelly Melvin, Suzanne Holroyd

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Othello syndrome secondary to subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson´s disease

E Soltan, A Antosik-Wojcinska, D Koziorowski et al

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Ataque isquêmico transitório e estado de mal epiléptico como manifestações de intoxicação aguda e abstinência por crack e cocaína

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Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria 2017, vol 21 (2)


Ketamine theraphy for treatment-resistant depression in a patient with multiple sclerosis: a case report

Michael M. Messer, Irina V. Haller

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Course of neuropsychiatric symptoms during flares of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Gareth Garrett, Nicola Ambrose, Zaib Davids, Dorothea Bindman

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A case of neuropsychiatric lupus erythematosus characterized by the Owl´s eye sign: a case report

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Misdiagnoses of epilepsy as Ekbom syndrome, mood instability, and nocturnal visual hallucinations

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A case of sporadic Creutzfeld-Jakob disease presenting as conversion disorder

Nikhil Yegya-Raman, Rehan Aziz, Daniel Schneider et al

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The treatment of clozapine-withdrawal delirium with electroconvulsive therapy

Anish Modak, Arne Åhlin

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2017; 2017: 1783545


Psychosis in a 15-year-old female with herpes simplex encephalitis in a background of mannose-binding lecitina deficiency

Kenneth Asogwa, Kwame Buabeng, Amarjit Kaur

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2017; 2017: 1429847


Hemiataxia: a novel presentation of anti-NMDA receptor antibody mediated encephalitis in an adolescent

Greg D. Phillips, Gillian N. Jones, Maureen Callaghan et al

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2017; 2017: 1310465


Tramadol-induced mood elevation in a patient with no previous psychiatric history

Mugtaba Osman, Mashael Mustafa

Case Rep Psychiatry. 2018; 2018: 9574395


Treatment of acute psychosis with second-generation antipsychotics in a patient with left temporal lobe lesion

Richard Shehane, Steve Miller, Luke Suber, Miranda Chakos

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Camptocormia in an adolescente: a case report and review of the literature

Laura Kaplan, Erik Aurigemma, Timothy Sullivan, Richard Sidlow

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Catatonia ictal en el Servicio de Urgencia: una rara forma de presentación del estado epiléptico no convulsivo

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Neuropsychiatric manifestation in a patient with panhypopituitarism

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Psychiatric symptoms as the first clinical presentation of multiple sclerosis: a case report

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Distressing visual hallucinations after treatment with trazodone

Gustavo Santos, Ana Maria Moreira

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A case report of Lhemrmitte-Duclos disease revealed by psychiatric disturbance

Yassine Otheman, Rachid Aalouane, Chadia Aarab, Ismail Rammouz

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Tourette syndrome associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the impact o tics and psychopharmacological treatment options

Olumide O Oluwabusi, Susan Parke, Paul J Ambrosini

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■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

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